Open Theses
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Practice-oriented and innovative

Our offered theses cover the entire field of informatics in civil and environmental engineering and qualify you for a future-oriented professional field in which in-depth knowledge of construction informatics is becoming increasingly important. We support you in your project with close and personal supervision.

By writing a thesis at the IIB, you develop the competence to comprehensively investigate and reproduce the state of research on a current issue and to develop your own (software) concept. In most of the theses, a demonstrator application is then developed. Even if the IIB has not yet been represented in your specialisation area, you are still eligible to write your thesis at the IIB.

Theses can be written in German or English and include a compulsory colloquium. For some theses, the use case is derived from industry practice, meaning that the thesis is supervised with the support of an industry partner.

On this page you will find currently advertised theses sorted by subject. We also welcome your own ideas and suggestions for topics! Have a look at the theses recently completed at the IIB , the research interests listed in the profiles of our employees and our current research projects . If you have your own ideas, please contact either a research assistant or Prof Dr Uwe Rüppel directly.

After agreeing on a topic, you will receive your assignment from the study office (or directly from us if you are not a member of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering). If necessary, we will provide you with software and hardware and give you access to our facilities. Every two weeks there will be interim meetings with the supervising research assistant.

After submitting your thesis, a compulsory colloquium will take place with Prof Dr Uwe Rüppel, our research assistants and interested students. You will give a 30-minute presentation and take part in a subsequent technical discussion. We offer you an internal trial colloquium a few days before the colloquium, where you will receive feedback and final instructions for the colloquium.

New: Artificial intelligence for programming

For theses which include programming parts, we will introduce you to the time-saving and effective development process using the latest AI methods.

Your Thesis at the IIB

Depending on the topic and scope (Bachelor/Master), a thesis at IIB consists of different parts. In the advertised theses, these components are indicated in the following abbreviated form:

Literature research + software application (L):
You investigate the state of research on a given topic and/or familiarise yourself with using selected software.

Concept (C):
You analyse and develop a (software) concept that reflects your solution approaches for your analysed challenges.

MockUp (M):
You illustrate your concept as a “dummy application”, for example by sketching a software interface and describing functions.

Demonstrator application (D):
You implement your concept as a self-programmed software application. As part of this, we will familiarise you with the latest AI methods for time-saving and goal-oriented development. Your application comprehensively depicts a selected use case and can therefore also be used by other users.

Title Type Supervisor L C M D
Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital twins in circular economy Bachelor Marcel Heiß X X
Semantic enrichment of BIM (logistics) using AI methods Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X
BIM-based freight optimisation in construction Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X
Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital twins in circular economy Master Marcel Heiß X X X X
Semantic enrichment of BIM (logistics) using AI methods Master Maximilian Gehring X X X X
BIM-based freight optimisation in construction Master Maximilian Gehring X X X
Title Type Supervisor L C M D
Practical implementation of knowledge transfer processes in Engineering Bachelor Pascal Mosler X X
Construction logistics 4.0 – Introduction of the Asset Administration Shell into construction logistics Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X
Automated creation of material passports for buildings Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X
Potential for automation in construction logistics Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X
Digital methods for document processing in inspection processes Bachelor Jens Wala X X
Construction logistics 4.0 – Introduction of the Asset Administration Shell into construction logistics Master Maximilian Gehring X X
Automated creation of material passports for buildings Master Maximilian Gehring X X X
Potential for automation in construction logistics Master Maximilian Gehring X X X
Digital methods for document processing in inspection processes Master Jens Wala X X X
Title Type Supervisor L C M D
Title Type Supervisor L C M D
AI methods for planning and data analytics in construction logistics Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X
Usage scenarios for AI in critical infrastructure control systems Bachelor Jens Wala X X
Regulatory requirements for AI-Applications in critical infrastructure control systems Bachelor Jens Wala X X
AI methods for planning and data analytics in construction logistics Master Maximilian Gehring X X X
Usage scenarios for AI in critical infrastructure control systems Master Jens Wala X X X X
AI-based control systems for critical infrastructures Master Jens Wala X X X X
Title Type Supervisor L C M D
Open source building automation with the matter framework Bachelor Maximilian Gehring X X X X
Role of low-cost IoT-Applications in the context of critical infrastructures Bachelor Jens Wala X
Conceptualization of an IoT-based urban critical infrastructure monitoring framework Bachelor Jens Wala X X X
Modular IoT-Applications for critical infrastructure monitoring Bachelor Jens Wala X X
Open source building automation with the matter framework Master Maximilian Gehring X X X X
Role of low-cost IoT-Applications in the context of critical infrastructures Master Jens Wala X X X
Conceptualization of an IoT-based urban critical infrastructure monitoring framework Master Jens Wala X X X X
Modular IoT-Applications for critical infrastructure monitoring Master Jens Wala X X X X