Research Assistant

Maximilian Gehring M.Sc.


work +49 6151 16-21822

Work L5|01 228
Franziska-Braun-Straße 7
64287 Darmstadt

Research interests

Digital construction logistics

  • Visualisation of logistics processes on the construction site
  • Digital construction logistics twin
  • Building Information Model and construction logistics (BIM2Field)
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I am pleased to supervise theses on the research topics listed above. In addition, you can get an overview of the currently advertised theses and recently completed theses . You can also suggest other subjects after consultation.

Title Type Year
Building Information Modeling in the billing of small road construction sites -
Analysis and recommendations based on a case study
Bachelor thesis 2023
Sustainability assessments of buildings based on user behaviour through the use of IoT sensor data in an as-used BIM Master thesis 2023