Automatisierte Erstellung von Materialpässen für Gebäude

Automated creation of material passports for buildings

Bachelor thesis, Master thesis

The material passport of a building contains all products and materials that are used in a building. It is created during the planning or construction phase and serves to identify and track which materials and products can be reused in a building in the event of renovation. Since a lot of work is required to create detailed material passports, it will be investigated how digital methods and existing databases can reduce this effort.

Minimising the use of resources is one of the EU's main concerns. This leads to the development of strategies to maximise recycling rates in order to minimise the environmental impacts and energy consumption caused by the extraction of primary materials. Detailed knowledge of the embedded materials as well as their properties of building stock is crucial to enable high recycling rates and low environmental impacts of buildings. In this context, it is a major challenge to collect material data and keep it up to date. Here, Building Information Modelling could be used as a knowledge base for geometry and material properties and coupled with other databases to assess the environmental footprint and recycling potentials. One goal of the work could be the semi-automatic generation of a BIM-based material passport based on diverse data sources.

Maximilian Gehring, M.Sc.

Basic knowledge of a programming language (C#, Python, JavaScript)

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