Course: MIB
Summer term

Management Methods in Civil and Environmental Engineering (MIB)

Course contents

  • BIM based engineer cooperation
  • Organization and communication infrastructures
  • Process and workflow management
  • Agile project management
  • Exemplary application of the methods on examples from civil- and environmental engineering

Latest information

Current notes and announcements about the course are provided via Moodle.

General Informationen

Term Summer term
Lecture time Mondays 15:30 – 17:00
Room L5|01 45b
Requirements Knowledge in computer science in civil engineering
Hours per week (SWS) 2 + 2
Creditpoints (CP) 6
Language of instruction German
Classification M.Sc. module for the courses:
M.Sc. Civil Engineering
M.Sc. Environmental Engineering
M.Sc. Engineering Management – Specialisation Civil Engineering
M.Sc. Computational Engineering
M.Sc. Informatics (Application Subject Building Informatics)
Lecture period Apr. 15th, 2024 – Jul. 19th, 2024
Schedule Mondays 15:30 – 17:00
Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Rüppel
Consultation By appointment
Schedule Wednesdays 13:30 – 15:00
Exercise adviser Jascha Brötzmann, M.Sc.
Consultation By appointment
Schedule Start 1. Exercise
  • April 22nd, 2024
End 1. Exercise
  • June 16th, 2024
Start 2. Exercise
  • May 27th, 2024
End 2. Exercise
  • July 7th, 2024
Issue and submission of the exercises via the platform Moodle. The registration is performed automatically by subscribing for the lecture and exercise in TUCaN.
Colloquia (participation mandatory) 1. Exercise
  • June 17th, 2024
2. Exercise
  • July 8th, 2024
Date July 29th, 2024
Time 2 pm
Room L506 11
90 min
Allowed aid Two hand written or printed DIN A4-pages, non programmable calculator
Registration Prior exam registration in TUCaN is required.
Exam review Individual, registration via mail

Additional information for the exercises

Programming language: C#

Software: Microsoft Excel and Word; Visual Studio; Autodesk Revit and Navisworks Manage

  • Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel and Word can be obtained free of charge via the TU Darmstadt campus license.

Moodle: Registration for the course in moodle is completed upon TUCaN signup. Additional information is subsequently provided in Moodle.

Exercises: The exercise assignments will be done in groups of two to four. The students have about three weeks for each exercise during which consultation for explanations or handling problems is available.

At the end every exercise will be completed by a colloquium. In this colloquium the students must present and discuss their results and programming. The colloquium is obligatory.