32nd Forum Bauinformatik
The IIB digitally invites to the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik
2021/08/11 by Luisa Kuhn, André Hoffmannn, Michael Disser
The Institute for Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Darmstadt invites you to a digital conference for the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik on September 9 and 10, 2021.
The Forum Bauinformatik is an annual conference and an important part of building informatics in the German speaking area. It offers young scientists a great opportunity to present their research work, discuss problems in a subject-specific way and to get to know each other better. It's an excellent opportunity to enter the scientific community in the field of building informatics and to establish contacts with other researchers.
This year, the Forum will be hosted by our institute from 09/09 – 10/09/2021 in a digital setting. The event is free for students, but requires registration for the conference and separate registration for the Autodesk workshops.
More information can be found on the website and in the current (opens in new tab) (German). Program
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your organizers of the Forum Bauinformatik 2021