IIB Practise talks about informatics (in civil engineering)

IT@IIB: Evening event of the Institute of Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering


Former students and employees of the IIB will report on their professional experience in various fields and will be available to answer your questions.

The Institute of Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civll Engineering (IIB) cordially invites all students and interested parties to the evening event IIB Practise Talks where former students of the IIB report from their everyday professional life in (construction) informatics, which they have taken after their studies at the institute, and are available afterwards in a relaxed round for open questions. Due to the broad positioning in different professional fields, possible career paths outside of the construction industry will be presented in addition to the everyday professional life in classic construction informatics. The event will take place on June 27, 2023 at 4:30 pm in room L5|01 32. All further information can be found in the flyer.