Kandler, Benedikt: Einführung von BIM bei laufenden internationalen Projekten – Chancen und Risiken

Bachelor thesis

Introduction of BIM in ongoing international projects – opportunities and risks

In many sectors of the economy, digitalisation and the concept of “industry 4.0” have already changed process structures and working patterns. Due to the high individuality, complexity and large dimensions of construction projects, digital solutions could not be set immediately in the construction industry and the digitalization of construction processes was delayed. Initially, architects, civil engineers and specialist planners were provided with 2D-drawing tools in order to be able to digitally carry out the process plan generation. These processes were further developed and it was finally possible to model buildings in three dimensions.When using the term BIM (Building Information Modelling) today, many engineers still associate it with three-dimensional building modelling. Thus, from their point of view, functioning methods in 2D are simply replaced by a visually better concept.BIM offers a holistic solution to support the planning, construction and operation of a building. As a rule, the BIM method should be defined from the outset for a construction project and applied throughout. In the construction industry, however, the rule does not always apply, and so it can happen that BIM planning is integrated into a project as a “lateral entrant” and planning is therefore only carried out in the construction phase or for the demolition phase using the BIM method. Planning must therefore be based on existing 2D-plans.To what extent such an introduction is possible, which aspects have to be considered and which advantages the BIM method still brings for the building and its participants, should be considered in detail in this work.For this purpose, the integration of the BIM method was carried out on a reference project and its potential discussed. The model is based on the already created 2D AutoCAD plans of a factory building in Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia. It was examined which tools are suitable for the modelling and which simplify the processes of the modelling. Not only the modeling process was considered, but also aspects that affect the entire project. For this different software solutions were considered.Finally, it was evaluated which added value such a project generates and how large the return of investment is for the planner and the client.