The Orientation Week at the IIB

Presentation of the institute within the orientation week for the start of studies of civil and environmental engineers for the winter term 2022/2023


To welcome the new freshmen, the Institute of Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering introduces itself at the Darmstadt Civil, Environmental and Safety Engineering Lab (DACES)

The IIB presented some selected topics from the fields of teaching, research as well as the hardware used and software developed at the institute to the new students of the Department 13 within the orientation week of the freshmen on October 13, 2022. The orientation week is intended to enable new students to gain brief insights into the specializations of the university institutes.

The students were given an overview of the courses offered by the IIB. Afterwards, various projects of the institute in the field of serious gaming, virtual and extended reality, escape simulations, and the use of drone and 3D printing technology in civil and environmental engineering were presented. As a demonstration, first-year students were able to test and experience the XR platform of the XR4Hydro project using cardboards and a smartphone application were supported by Oskar Neumann and Marcel Heiß.

We wish the new students of Department 13 a good start and look forward to seeing them again soon in the lecture hall.